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2023-10-2 22:06
A blood black nothingness began to spin. Began to spin. Let’s move on to system. System. Feel that in your body. The system. What does it feel like to be part of the system. System. Is there anything in your body that wants to resist the system? System. ...
373 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 122
2/28 日记
2023-3-1 00:00
我想尝试描述一种或为恐惧或为焦虑的情绪。但我无法准确地直接道出,我给不出一个术语化的精确定义,所以我只能用一些例子,一些喻体来模糊地形容出它。这个比喻是,最日常也可能最容易感知的一个体现:工作日的早晨,闹钟叫醒了你,你条件反射式关掉闹钟后还想 * 稍微 * 再睡一会,由于这是你尚未完全清醒时做出的决 ...
320 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 89


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