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[剧集] 黑镜1-6/Black Mirror[2011-2023][中英][阿里云] heatlevel agree  ...23 大墨迹 2023-6-16 561187 Wildersky 2023-8-2 22:31
[剧集] 【赛博朋克-边缘行者】2022年一部动漫罢了(bushi) recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 Sanchez_leory 2023-4-8 721031 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 22:27
[电影] 【十周年庆】速度与激情10/Fast X[2023][中英][百度/阿里] recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 大墨迹 2023-6-14 521161 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 22:08
[电影] 神奇生物在哪里3/ The Secrets of Dumbledore【2022】【中英】【度... attach_img  ...2 oneseven 2022-10-25 21899 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 22:06
[剧集] 【十周年庆】百年酒馆/Horace and Pete[2016][中文][百度网盘] 新人帖 attach_img recommend agree  ...23 不是卖萌的基佬 2023-6-15 481229 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 22:01
[电影] 奇异男孩/Bizarre[2015][中英字幕][电驴] ChillBro 2016-2-11 155306 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 21:07
[电影] 女间谍/Spy [2015][中文字幕][迅雷] ChillBro 2015-12-15 154085 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 21:06
[电影] 青田街一号/The Laundryman[2015][国语中字][BT] attach_img ChillBro 2015-12-18 154750 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 21:05
[剧集] 极品基老伴/Vicious[第一季][2013][中英字幕][电驴] attach_img agree  ...2 ChillBro 2015-7-3 344442 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 21:02
[剧集] 极品基老伴第二季/Vicious[2014][中英字幕][电驴] attach_img agree ChillBro 2015-7-7 93613 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 21:01
[电影] 闪虾亮晶晶/Les Crevettes pailletées[2019][中字][度盘] attachment agree  ...2 TooYTooSP 2020-9-1 202910 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 20:54
[电影] 小黄人 /Minions[2015][普清][电驴][中字] attach_img  ...2 ChillBro 2015-7-8 216906 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 20:46
[剧集] 格林/Grimm[2011-2017][双语字幕][百度网盘] 新人帖 agree  ...23 大墨迹 2023-4-14 57831 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 20:45
[剧集] 【持续更新】【耽美剧】哥哥你别跑/Stay With Me[2023][中文][阿里云] attach_img agree  ...2 大墨迹 2023-7-16 341306 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 19:06
[电影] 快把我哥带走/Take My Brother Away[2018][中文字幕][迅雷] attach_img chinhara 2019-8-24 102566 clpqsjp 2023-8-2 18:41
[剧集] 我丈夫的爱人/my husband's lover[2013][中文字幕][网盘] attach_img recommend agree  ...2 yetong541 2019-3-27 2611780 Wildersky 2023-7-19 03:03
[电影] 刺猬索尼克/Sonic the Hedgehog[2020][中英双字][电驴] attachment agree 冰牙白虎 2020-7-1 172082 大墨迹 2023-7-15 15:35
[电影] 黑暗正义联盟:天启星战争/Apokolips War[2020][中字][磁力链接] attachment agree 冰牙白虎 2020-7-19 172887 大墨迹 2023-7-15 15:33
[电影] 【七周年庆】1/2的魔法/Onward[2020][中文][百度云] attachment agree 冰牙白虎 2020-6-9 195694 zhuovboyan 2023-7-15 13:16
[电影] 【1080p】教官与士兵/Eismayer[2022][简体中文][度盘] attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 裤衩里的大香蕉 2023-4-14 542211 Un RuBio 2023-7-12 15:22
[电影] 钙片惊魂/Pornography[2009][无字幕][迅雷] attach_img them 2018-6-19 184854 zhuovboyan 2023-6-23 18:44
[电影] 【十周年庆】蚁人与黄蜂女:量子狂潮/Ant-Man3[2023][中英][... agree  ...23 大墨迹 2023-6-14 45840 18223033749 2023-6-23 10:05
[剧集] 电锯人/Chainsaw Man[2022][简中][百度网盘]  ...23 大墨迹 2023-6-14 511412 Tatta 2023-6-22 15:30
[电影] 【午后茶歇】《驴得水》/Mr.Donkey[2016][中文][百度云] attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 墨燝 2023-3-18 741623 corw 2023-6-21 00:09
[剧集] 《太阳召唤/Shadow.and.Bone》[2021][英语/中字][夸克/磁力] recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 Kurt 2023-3-17 541209 gggggaa 2023-6-18 13:13
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