Clazziquai Project第二弹, 这次的是Electronic House风~ 戳我到第一弹
这首歌最早收录在他们在日本发行的特别专辑<Beat in Love>中
因为歌词是英文的不是韩文 能听出棒子味吗?~
好喜欢这个MV, 好有创意好赞!!~MV里面还有他们, 不知道大家能不能发现?~
Analogue, digital, Oops !
My Fascination, searching for the right sound
Was it big fat ? Oops !
Obsession, Insomnia hunted by my own songs
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Never have the time
(Oh ! Stretch yourself)
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Hold on to your thoughts
(Not finished yet !)
Looking at time
I really have to go now
I had been up all night
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
I will play all my songs
(Oh ! Stretch your time)
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Hold on to your thoughts
(Finally my bedtime)
This one, to make it
Analogue, Digital, Beat,
The rhythm, The mood, and Sound
Give me one time
Give me one more time
And finally, I am
Making it All
Analogue, digital, Oops !
My Fascination, searching for the right sound
Was it big fat ? Oops !
Obsession, Insomnia hunted by my own songs
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Never have the time
(Oh ! Stretch yourself)
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Never have the time
(Oh ! Stretch your soul)
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Never have the time
(Oh ! Stretch your time)
Tell me in the morning
Tell me in the evening
Never have the time
(Oh ! Stretch your life)
CLAZZIQUAI PROJECT是来自韩国的一个组合(也是lz唯一喜欢的韩国音乐人), 曲风糅合了Jazz、Bossa Nova等风格, 近年来更加入House Electronic、Punk、New Wave等新鲜元素
(从左到右分别为DJ Clazzi、Horan和Alex)
团员由DJ Clazzi(团队核心, 负责作曲填词编曲混音等), Alex(男主唱), Horan(女主唱, 作词), 和Christina(客串女声, Alex的姐姐, 只参与录音)组成, 因为每个成员都不是出国留过学就是从小在外国长大, 所以不像一般的韩国歌手, 他们的英文发音很准确(这也是lz喜欢他们的其中一个原因), 风格独树一帜