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大脸猫公 2013-8-22 11:41
Oh my god, aoki! What a nice surprise! If @fk1985 didn't mention you today, I wouldn't even know you were here.
Loved quite a lot of your works, although some of them I find revealing a little bit too much.
Hope to see more of your works, and have a nice day!
lin527692771 2013-8-22 11:40
fk1985 2013-8-22 08:44
謝謝你喜歡我們的論壇,希望能在這裡時常看到你,許多人會因此感到很開心的 :)

I can understand what you mean, because I am also using google ^ ^
Thank you like our Forum, hoping to see you here often, many people will feel very happy :)


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