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I'm trying to prepare myself for loneliness
2022-1-15 19:34
I don't cherish any illusions about surrogate mothers and mythical children that gays can adopt. I picture a scenario where there is no one to bury me.
454 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 52
2021-5-26 09:41
辞了工作备考cpa以后基本没有收入,靠积蓄和爸妈的救济生活,感觉好没用,而且最近和之前考过的前辈交流发现,考了证也最多让你从月薪五千变成七千罢了,这一行靠的还是资历,只有老手才能接大项目,感觉自己和梦想中的生活很遥远,而且父母还在催婚,出柜还是形婚也是问题,好烦好烦好烦 ...
556 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 55


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