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[西洋音乐] Stealing Sheep-Shut Eye

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    接触到这首歌是因为Stendan(Ste and Brendan)这一对出自英国长寿剧<Hollyoaks>的非常有魅力的Couple


    <Shut Eye>以充满中古气息的民谣曲风,在弥漫淡淡雾气的森林中响起,构成浪漫而迷幻的画面;时而轻快,时而紧张的鼓点伴随众人各异的神情与姿态,显现了在狂欢的外表下涌动的暗流。<Hollyoaks>一向被吐槽的比正片拍的好的宣传片,就完美的与<Shut Eye>结合了。


    演唱的迷幻民歌乐团Stealing Sheep乐团由Becky Hawley (键琴)、Emily Lansley (吉他)和Lucy Mercer (鼓)所組成,其音乐在迷幻幽暗色调下却有着一份甜美清秀。乐团中三人都同是主唱,彼此的Harmonies唱和亦成为了Stealing Sheep的一大特色。民谣的曲子、甜美的唱和、低传真的结他、迷魂的琴音与鼓击,构成是StealingSheep的迷幻民歌姿态。<Into the Diamond Sun>是她们的首张专辑。(来源:豆瓣 袁智聰)


    You should've got a better bed
    Better for your head
    Better heads need shut eye

    You should've got a better bed
    Better for your head
    Better heads need shut eye
    You should've got out of the red
    In the red you're better off dead
    Deader than the red dead sea
    Promise it to me
    Promise me the sea

    You should've got a better bed
    Better for your head
    Better heads need shut eye
    You should've got out of the red
    In the red you're better off dead
    Deader than the red dead sea
    Promise it to me
    Promise me the sea

    People all the people with big bellies banging bigger drums
    They beat down on you they beat the pulse into your shoes
    Shoes that are made for walking you to lands and other seas
    See those seas of see those seas that you've seen on the big screen

    You should've got a better bed
    Better for your head
    Better heads need shut eye
    You should've got out of the red
    In the red you're better off dead
    Deader than the red dead sea
    Promise it to me
    Promise me the sea

    Sad hello's and mad high lows
    Now i know not nobody knows
    Sad hello's and mad high lows
    Now i know not nobody knows
    Where do we go?
    Oh where do we go?

    People all the people with big bellies banging bigger drums
    They beat down on you they beat the pulse into your shoes
    Shoes that are made for walking you to lands and other seas
    See those seas of see those seas that you've seen on the big screen

    People all the people with big bellies banging bigger drums
    They beat down on you they beat the pulse into your shoes
    Shoes that are made for walking you to lands and other seas
    See those seas of see those seas that you've seen on the big screen

    La la la la la la

    La la la la la la la la la la la

    La la la la la la

    La la la la la la la la la la

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