本帖最后由 ELR 于 2025-1-30 19:58 编辑
Belle 等级1 5% 回帖金币+2;发帖血液+2 丨 升级条件:消耗99咒术 A beautiful girl from a rural France. ———————————————————————————————— Come across 等级2 10% 回帖金币+2;发帖血液+2 丨 升级条件:消耗1314血液 Both a little scared, Neither one prepared. ———————————————————————————————— Crush 等级3 15% 回帖金币+2;发帖血液+2 丨 升级条件:消耗1灵魂 Certain as the sun, Rising in the east... ———————————————————————————————— Beauty and the Beast 等级Max 16% 回帖金币+2血液+1;发帖旅程+1 Tale as old as time, Song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast... ———————————————————————————————— |